
“I think the person who takes a job in order to live – that is to say, for the money – has turned himself into a slave.” – Joseph Campbell

Every day Time sits next to me at work and reminds me that I am going to spend 10 precious hours of my day on something that is not creative, that does not feed my soul. Sometimes It laughs at me and calls me a fool. Other times It looks at me with pity. I tell It not to worry, that as soon as my work is done, I will rush home and spend all that’s remaining doing something I love, neither of us will be wasted. I promise. But then Life is waiting for me at the door with a list in hand. I give in. I cook dinner, do laundry, wash dishes, walk the dog, rake leaves…Time is waiting for me when I am done. It tells me I’ve disappointed It yet again, broke my promise, wasted both of us. I know It will be waiting for me tomorrow, to try again.

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